Discovering the Gems Within

Our School > Affiliations
Eldorado Montessori is a member of the American Montessori Society (AMS) and International Montessori Council (IMC).
The following helpful information is an excerpt from the American Montessori Association website:
AMS now supports 11,000 members across the world including teachers and other individual members, teacher education programs, and schools.
Ten thousand members strong, they are committed to furthering Montessori philosophy, making it a growing educational alternative, and promoting better education for all children regardless of age, socioeconomic status, or geographical location.
Membership in the American Montessori Society enables a school to participate in a vital national professional organization that is dedicated to the assurance of quality Montessori programs for children and families, the continuing development of Montessori teachers, and the expansion of Montessori practice into mainstream education
PRINCIPLE I - Commitment to the Student
In fulfillment of the obligation to the children, the educator:
Shall encourage independent action in the pursuit of learning
Shall protect the opportunity to provide for participation in educational programs without regard to race, sex, color, creed, or national origin
Shall protect the health and safety of students
Shall honor professional commitments, maintain obligations, and contracts while never soliciting nor involving students or their parents in schemes for commercial gain.
Shall keep in confidence information that has been secured in the course of professional service, unless disclosure serves professional purposes or is required by law.
PRINCIPLE II - Commitment to the Public
The Montessori educator shares in the responsibility for the development of policy relating to the extension of educational opportunity for all and for interpreting educational programs and policies to the public.
In fulfilling these goals, the educator:
Shall support his professional society and not misrepresent its policies in public discussion. Whenever speaking or writing about policies, the educator should take the precaution to distinguish his private views from the official position of the Society.
Shall not interfere with nor exploit the rights and responsibilities of colleagues within the teaching profession.
PRINCIPLE III - Commitment to the Profession
The Montessori educator makes efforts to raise professional standards and conditions to attract persons worthy of trust to careers in Montessori education.
In fulfilling these goals, the educator:
Shall extend just and equitable treatment to all members of the Montessori education profession
Shall represent his own professional qualification with clarity and true intent
Shall apply for, accept, offer, recommend, and assign professional positions and responsibilities on the basis of professional preparation and legal qualifications.
Shall use honest and effective methods of administering his duties, use of time and conducting business.
As American Montessori Society members, we pledge to conduct ourselves professionally and personally, in ways that will reflect our respect for each other and for the children we serve. We will do whatever is within our talents and capacity to protect the right of each child to have the freedom and opportunity to develop his full potential. AMS requires that all member schools and teacher education programs agree to comply with the AMS Code of Ethics. AMS relies solely on self-compliance of this Code.
The International Montessori Council is the first international Montessori professional and accrediting organization designed to serve the entire Montessori community.
Code of Ethics for International Montessori Council (Website: Montessori.org)
Membership in the International Montessori Council shall imply that member schools observe, in spirit as well as in practice, high professional and ethical standards in their relationship with their own students, faculty, and employees, as well as with other schools. This is particularly necessary when there may be overlapping interests between schools with respect to faculty employment and student enrollment.
The following Principles of Good Practice are based on the concept that our strength as Montessori schools is derived from both the diversity that exists among us and from the support and cooperation that we can give to each other.
The Head of each school should bear ultimate responsibility for fulfilling this Code of Ethics and Principles of Good Practice.
Complaints within member schools concerning the implementation of these guidelines should be directed to the appropriate authorities of the school concerned and processed internally. Advice and counsel may be sought from the state or national Ethics Committee of the International Montessori Council
Members of the International Montessori Council are committed to standards of exemplary integrity in their professional relationships with parents, students, faculty, and other Montessori schools. Although our philosophies and programs are diverse in their emphasis, structure, and style, we follow a common code of ethics that emphasizes fair and consistent policies.
As a member of the International Montessori Council, our school agrees to abide by the following code of ethics and principles of good practice:
Our school is worthy of trust
As a member of the International Montessori Council, we pledge to represent our school truthfully and accurately to the general public and internally to our parent community.
We further pledge ourselves to respect the diversity of the community of Montessori schools. We will not engage in negative public relations nor make any negative statements about another Montessori school.
Our school honors its financial commitments to parents, staff, vendors, and others.
Core Values
Our primary focus will always be the well being and best interests of our students.
We recognize that a Montessori school is more than a place of learning; it is a community of children and adults that has a significant impact on our students'’ capacity to learn, grow, create, develop, assimilate values, and relate peacefully and respectfully to other people and to the natural world.
We treat all students, families, teachers, and staff members with kindness, warmth, and respect.
Our school will never permit the use of corporal punishment.
We consciously teach our students values fundamental to Montessori education, which include: respect for oneself, others, and their property; peacefulness, empathy and kindness; truthfulness; a search for the solution fairest to all; the pursuit of independence and self-mastery; and a love of work and a passion for excellence.
We endeavor to provide a school environment that will promote and protect the physical and emotional well being of our students and staff.
We seek to instill in our students, parents, and staff not only a reverence for the earth, its waters, and all living things, but also a sense of stewardship for the environment based on a conviction of our individual responsibility for the beauty of the land and the health of our ecosystems.